July 26, 2021 Tony Powell

Progress Association AGM

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**temporarily cancelled**


To our valued members.

Thank you for your enquiries regarding the planned AGM this evening. Due to the ongoing outbreak and current restrictions, unfortunately the AGM will not be going ahead. This is in the interest of public safety and following all of the relevant guidelines.

We apologise for the late notice however we were waiting to see if restrictions would ease or if there were any alternative arrangements that could be made. Some members have suggested we could undertake a Zoom meeting, however the executives have agreed that due to the issues with accessibility we do not feel comfortable that all of the members of the association would be able to partake. In the interest of inclusivity and equality, at this time, we don’t believe a Zoom meeting would be possible.

We thank everyone for their understanding and patience during this time. We are all trying to navigate what is a very difficult situation, but our main focus will always be the health and safety of our community.

We aim to be sending out more frequent newsletters and updating the website with information, so keep your eyes peeled for this.

Finally, we would like to remind and encourage you all to look out for your friends and neighbours. Reach out if you need help. The progress executives are here for the community if there is anything you need. We also have community organisations such as Macs Helping Friends who have kindly offered their help to Macs residents – you can phone Jill Danes on 0401 856 420 or find them on google.

We will update you all as soon as possible. Stay safe.