November 6, 2024 Tony Powell

Minutes General Meeting 28 October 2024

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Monday 28th October 2024 7.30 PM in the Progress Hall

Meeting opened by Barbara Wills
Acknowledgment of Country by Paula Paananen
Present: B.Wills, L. Adamski, H Waterhouse, L. Hyman, J. Balderstone, A. Dodd,
K. Garratt, R. Richardson, J. Danks, M. Gardiner, S. Ross, P. Paananen,
P. Newsom, Graham Judd, Gai Judd plus visitors: T and F Boxall, C van
den Burgh, J Newsom, M Can….
Apologies: K Gardiner, I Tice, M and P Williams

1. Bouddi Wildlife Presentation regarding pending risk of bird flu virus- Paula Paananen.
This was an excellent presentation about the circumstances of the threat and the recommended actions in the event an ill or dead bird is found, or a sick mammal is seen. Jill Danks took action to create an email encouraging donations and supplying Bank details for Bouddi wildlife.
2. Motion: “To accept the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 26th August 2024”
(taken as “read”). Proposed BW Seconded LH. Carried.
3. Business arising from the last General Meeting (not included in agenda below)- not applicable.
4. Update on current membership numbers – Jim Balderstone reported that we now have 141 financial members who have donated over $1600. This is still down on the 214 members for 2019 but well up on the approximate 50 or 60 members in 2021.
Motion: “To accept the application by Judith Matheson”. Proposed JB Seconded JD. Carried.
5. Correspondence in and out since 26th August:
29 August Adam Crouch re Senior Festival Grants
1 September Copacabana Newsletter
4 September Google (appears to be spam so do nothing)
19 September Adam Crouch re Seniors Grants Programme
20 September Council’s unsatisfactory response regarding pedestrian safety on Gerda Road
27 September Adam Crouch re Community Supports Grants
2 October Council forwarding the 3 September response from Minister Scully re zoning submission
21 October Michelle Williams offering to join working party on road safety
24 October Community Help – Meals on Wheels requesting their story in our
Newsletter (JD to action)
27 October Ian Tice re concern about potholes and other road safety issues
6. Ratification of Submissions to Ministers Ref Constitution Clause 10:
Motion: “To ratify the Submissions to NSW Ministers for Planning and Environment dated 9th August 2024 regarding objections to changes to deferred matters zoning”
(taken as “read”). Not discussed.
7. Treasurer’s report – Louise Hyman. Income and expenses since 26th August were read out and the current member funds are made up of $20,000 in a term deposit and $9664 In our current account of which $5000 will be transferred to a TD this week.
Motion: “To accept the Treasurers Report”. Proposed JB Seconded JD. Carried.
8. 2025 Membership Fee per Constitution Clause 5(a)
Motion: “That the annual membership fee remains at $10.00 per member”.
Proposed JB Seconded LH. Carried.
9. Hall activities – Jill Danks reported on the limitations of future events due to Council Regulations. Hall hire fees and terms are now posted on the Progress Association website.
10. Draft constitution: The draft replacement Constitution was posted on the website on 20th October and referenced in the 21st October Newsletter emailed to all addresses on our mail-chimp data base. Louise outlined the process by the sub-committee in developing the Department of Fair-Trading Model by relatively minor editing or adding a small number of items from our existing Constitution. One member expressed concern that more time was needed for members to examine the draft. Therefore, the proposed meeting on 18th November for approval of the new Constitution was changed to a General Meeting for discussion and identification and resolution of contentious items.
The sub-committee invited correspondence from members prior to 18th listing items which they have concerns about and giving their recommended solutions. The website posting will be amended in order to highlight the changes made to the DFT Model.
11. Other business – Road safety was discussed, and in particular the need for a solution to the Gerda Road pedestrian risk. There were no volunteers to join the Working Group/ Sub-Committee and Jill will ask for volunteers in her next Newsletter. Barbara suggested that individuals should notify Council about the need for repairs to pot-holes using the Council “contact” website. Council is more likely to act if they receive many notifications.
12. Date for next meeting:
Motion: “To Schedule a General Meeting on Monday 18th November 7.30 pm in order to discuss the proposed new constitution”. Proposed LH Seconded JB. Carried.
13. The meeting closed at 9.10pm.