December 23, 2024 Tony Powell

Minutes Extraordinary Meeting

9 December 2024 7.30pm

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EXTRAORDINARY MEETING – Monday 9th December 2024 7.30 PM in the Progress Hall

Meeting opened by Barbara Wills
Acknowledgment of Country by Paula Paananen
Present: B Wills, H Waterhouse, L Hyman, J Danks, L Adamski, J Balderstone, T Powell,
S McLennan, A Dodd, R Richardson, S Ross, M Gardiner, K Gardiner, G Judd
Instaurator, C Simpson, T Hyman, P Paananen, M Camp (non-voting)
M Williams (not financial)
(19 members plus one not financial)
Apologies: J McLennan, C Roberts, I Paananen, P Williams

1. Motion A: “To accept the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 18th November 2024” (taken as “read”) Proposed TP Seconded JD Carried

2. Motion 1: “To change the name of the Association to MacMasters Beach Progress Association” Proposed LH Seconded HW Carried

3. Following feedback from Tony Powell and Paula Paananen, the draft constitution was discussed as follows:
Clause 3(1) leave clause number in
Clause 3(7) change “emailed from the website” to “summitted”
Clause 5 delete clause number
Clause 17(3) change “and” to “or”
Clause 17(4) new “The first 3-year period commences as of the Annual General
Meeting in 2025”
Clause 17(4) now Clause 17(5) change “be” to ”by”
Clause 24 change sub-clause (7) to (5)
Clause 32 (1) change to “A person who speaks for or against a motion or votes
on any resolution at any Association Meeting or Committee Meeting
shall declare…….”

Motion 2: “To approve the new Constitution, as amended by the Minutes of this
meeting” Proposed JB Seconded LH Carried

Meeting closed at 8.20 PM