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Have you thought about becoming a Member?

​The more members we have, the stronger our voice at Council and State Government.  To join or renew, complete the Membership form below, submit it and make your payment by Bank Transfer (Direct Debit) through your Online Banking portal or Banking App. Being a Member connects you better with what’s going on in Macs, and gives you a voice in what the Association can do to improve things here.

Membership is only $10 per person per year or part of a year. For direct credit, our bank account details at the Kincumber Branch of Bendigo Bank are:

BSB: 633 000

Account number: 160048633

If you are aware of any new neighbours, it would be great if you could encourage them to join, too.

Membership of the MacMasters Beach Progress Association is limited to real people aged 18 or more who are landholders, residents (including renters) and their family members, associated with a property in the District. Membership does NOT apply to the property itself.  

To reduce operating costs, most contact with members will be by email, NOT by post.  By including email addresses on this form you are agreeing that the Progress Association will contact you by email, but only for the sole purpose of its affairs, including sending the periodical newsletter.

Contact details will not be provided to any other person or organisation.

Fields on the form marked with an * are mandatory to assist with good record keeping.