January 24, 2023 Tony Powell

January 2023 Newsletter

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Newsletter 22 January 2023
BOOK SALE – Saturday 28 January 10am to 2pm
The January 2nd hand Booksale and Rural Fire Service B-B-Q.
Donations will be only accepted at the hall on the following day and times:
Tues & Wed afternoons 1-3pm,Thursday morning 9-11, Friday 2-4.
We are still challenged by the number of books that are donated that are in poor condition
and need to go straight to the recycling bin. Please do not send magazines or encyclopaedias.
If anyone would like to volunteer for helping and or managing the book sale 2-3 times per
year, speak to Helen who will be at the hall on the above times or phone Barbara 0418
437030 to arrange alternative times to drop off books or to volunteer.


MONDAY 27 February – Annual General Meeting Progress Association
Corner of Tudibaring Parade and Three Points Avenue 7:30pm followed by a General Meeting.


1 February to 31 March Bouddi National Park Fox Baiting Program
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) will be undertaking a fox control program using 1080
poison baits in Bouddi National Park and Rileys Island Nature Reserve. The bait program will commence
on Wednesday 1 February 2023 and continue until Friday 31 March 2023, over a 8 week period.
Please help spread the word to the surrounding community as part of the notification process and
compliance with the Pesticide Control Order.


AED – 4 Locations now in MacMasters Beach
A reminder that we now have 4 accessible Automatic External Defibrillator AED
Machines available 24/7 throughout MacMasters Beach
For information on how to use and when visit
o Surf Club, outside grass area near the ramp at the end of Marine Parade
o Rural Fire Brigade driveway, top of the hill on The Scenic Road 100m south of Ocean Drive
o Progress Hall deck, in the Park, cnr Tudibaring Pde and Three Points Ave
o Loo Loo’s Coffee Shack car park, 675 The Scenic Road
We will post the upcoming education sessions on the Macs Progress website if you would like
to attend one, on when and how to use – keeping in mind you do not need training as they are
easy and self explanatory when in use.


Membership Fees are due now …Please renew your membership now at $10 per person.
Membership runs from the1st January 2023 to the 31st of December 2023.