September 20, 2024 Tony Powell

General Meeting Minutes

Monday 26th August 2024 7.30pm

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GENERAL MEETING MINUTES – Monday 26th August 2024

Meeting Opened by B Wills president 7:35pm. and acknowledgment of Country by Jill


Present: H Waterhouse, L Hyman, J Danks, M Dixon, R & H Isaacs, M Williams, B Harris, K

Garraz, M Gardiner, S & J Balderstone, R Richardson, A Dodd, S McLennan, L Adamski, R

Bolitho, B Wills

Apologies: J McLennan, Ian Tice, S & C Simpson, D Price, S & R Jarbowska P & I Paananen, C


  1. Motion: “To accept the Minutes of the General MeeDng held on 24th June 2024”

(taken as “read”) Carried.

  1. Welcome to new members Alex Dodd and Ken Scriven & update on current numbers

– Jim Balderstone reported that we now have 127 financial members for 2024 and

that donations average more than $10 per member and that some donations are very


Motion: “To accept the applications for membership” Carried.

  1. Correspondence in and out since 23rd June

. email to Copa Progress Web designer re help with ours.. Replied unable to help due to


. A Crouch MP email advising ‘infrastructure grants’

. Member S Harrison advising inability to fill in on line membership form.

. Email request for Quote from Saud Khan for help with the Prog Web site

. A Crouch MP email advising ‘2025 Senior Festival grants’ now open

. CEN Future Sooner Citizens inquiry to be held 25 August at Budgewoi

. Aboriginal Cultural Appreciation event, 24 Aug at Kincumber Neighbourhood Ctr.

. W Kazaglis advising change of email address

. Adam Crouch MP ‘Local Women of the Year Awards’ nominations close 25 October.

. D Bolitho email with suggestions for Prog constitutional changes.

. D Moor email advising change of email address

. Outgoing email to Westpac to close our disused account that has been inactive for a

number of years.

. Outgoing email to Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe MLC and Paul Scully

Minister for Planning MP regarding our ongoing action against the Councils proposed

Deferred Matters zoning. Agreed to post these letters to the web site for ratification at

future general meeting. Carried.

  1. Summary of 3 Committee Meetings since the 24th June GM

The executive have met on 3 occasions since the last general meeting. We have been

discussing and deciding on how to fix the web site, membership, executive duties and

financial matters.

  1. Treasurer ’s report – Louise Hyman no formal report presented.
  2. Financial Reports for 2020 to 2023 status update. the financial reports for

2020-2023 are completed and waiting for review by Steve Simpson. There has

been a cumulative loss of approx $7000 Member Funds over the past 4 years.

As soon as we have final sign-off, the accounts will be posted on the website

which hopefully will be before the October General Meeting.

  1. Motion: “ That the Association quarantines $25,000 for the purposes of a

fighting fund against inappropriate development, thereby aligning with the

purpose of the original donations” Carried.

  1. Honorary Auditor: Steve Simpson was elected Honorary Auditor at the 24th

June 2024 AGM. He is now unable to “sign-off” on the Financial Statements for

2020 to 2024. However, he is willing to continue as a “third set of eyes” in

reviewing these Financial Statements prepared by the Honorary Treasurer and

the Assistant Honorary Treasurer. Noted that Steve has withdrawn his position

of Honorary Auditor.

Motion 2: ”To waive the requirement of an Honorary Auditor for Financial Years 2020

to 2024” even though our current constitution requires an audit. Carried.

  1. New Constitution – Barbara Wills and Jim Balderstone referred to the discussions at

the June meetings and the fact that our Constitution is over 20 years old and that the

Department of Fair Trading suggest using their model as a base.

Motion 1. “To develop a replacement Constitution which conforms with The

Association’s Incorporation Act 2009 No 7”- Carried

Motion 2. “In the event Motion 1 is resolved in the affirmative, appoint a Sub-

committee to develop the replacement Constitution for presentation to an

Extraordinary Meeting of Members”. Members who volunteered for the ‘sunset

committee’ are L Hyman, J Balderstone, M Gardiner and C Simpson Carried.

  1. October long-weekend Event – Jil Danks reported that it is too late to obtain council

approval for a full market. Discussion around a scaled back version despite no council

approval able to be approved. Agreed that we should go ahead with the scaled back

version. It was agreed that the benefactor of the book sale would be Bouddi Wildlife.

  1. General Business:- Noted that the council elections are being held 14 September for

the first time in 7 years due to the council being under administration.

  1. .Bouddi Wildlife is very concerned about the highly probable bird flu due to enter

Australia via migratory birds. Paula Paananen would like to give a presentation to the

next progress meeting to inform the community about what to do with wildlife that

might be affected.

  1. It is also noted that the very recent resurfacing of the The Scenic Road, between the

fire station and Bombi Road sth is already failing and pot holes are developing.

  1. Meeting Closed 8:30pm.
  2. Date for next meeting: Monday 28th October 7.30 pm