June 29, 2023 Tony Powell

Community Battery

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For those that attended the MacMasters Beach Progress Association Meeting on the 27th of June, you’ll know what we’re talking about.


If not – we had the lovely Copa locals Scott and Robyn McClung come and speak to us about their idea for a community battery. Further information below.


At the moment, they’re looking to garner support from the communities of the broader 2251 postcode area as well as looking for interested individuals from these communities who can bring some skills to the project team and help them take it forward.


We will be attempting to arrange a date sometime soon for Scott and Robyn to come and speak in MacMasters again, so if you would be interested in attending for more information or to have your questions answered, please send an email to tessmccullough93@gmail.com with subject line “COMMUNITY BATTERY” and include your preferred contact email address – we will then add you to an email list with further information about the upcoming session!


Aims of the scheme:

  • to provide value for the local community of 2251 by sharing excess locally produced solar electricity with community members
  • providing cheaper power prices for local consumers
  • providing higher returns for local solar producers
  • increase the equity of access to solar power beyond those residents with rooftop solar installations – tenants, occupants of multi-storey buildings, retirement villages.
  • utilisation of a battery – to help facilitate lower prices for scheme members
  • the scheme would require the formation of either an incorporated association or co-operative, as the lead proponent. Both options would involve the development of a not-for-profit charter or vision.
  • the operation of the scheme requires a licensed Electrical Retailer – one that is aligned with the idea of creating community value in a not-for-profit framework
  • we would be seeking grant funding for the battery – ARENA has 2 funding rounds proposed for this year, but there may be state funding available as well.

Actions to date:

  • contact with the Australian Energy Regulator re the environment for operation of the scheme in principle
  • contact with the Central Coast Council re availability and suitability of site at Kincumber Tip
  • contact with potential retailer