November 14, 2023 Tony Powell

Central Coast Friends of Democracy

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The Central Coast Friends of Democracy was established in 2021 with one of our focus areas being to restore local democracy and reclaim our Council.
Dr. Amanda Cohn MLC is putting forward an amendment to the Local Government Act to provide a pathway for communities to have a say about Council demergers.
To date, communities (and Councils) that have shown a clear and majority view about demergers have come up against barriers put in place by both major parties.This proposed amendment would outline a clear way forward for local democracy.
Please join us to find out what this is all about – and how you can help make sure this amendment is supported.

‍Restoring Local Democracy in NSW
Free Webinar
Wednesday 15 Nov 2023, 7-8pm


What lies ahead for councils that were forcibly merged in 2016? Special guest, Greens MLC, Dr Amanda Cohn, will discuss her proposed amendments to the NSW Local Government Act to make it easier to demerge councils!


With less than a year until NSW goes to the polls in the September 2024 local government elections, this webinar will highlight the ongoing failures of the 2016 mergers to deliver effective local democracy. It will examine solutions, including the pathway for demergers.
Dr Amanda Cohn, Greens MLC, Local Government spokesperson
Brian Halstead, Demerge NSW Alliance
Clr John Stamolis, Independent Inner West councillor
Clr Barbara Coorey, Independent Canterbury-Bankstown councillor
Jane Smith, Central Coast Friends of Democracy
Glen Moore, Gundagai Council in Exile
Registrations essential 
Click on the link to register  (Click LInk here)

The Friends of Democracy will focus on returning democracy to our community and reclaiming our Council.

The Friends of Democracy is not politically aligned.
We welcome, and hope that, supporters from all political parties – and no political party – will join this cause.