August 15, 2024 Louise Hyman

AGM Minutes 24th June 2024

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Annual General Meeting – 7.35 pm Monday 24 June, 2024 by President Barbara Wills
The objects of the Association shall be:
a) To protect, preserve and enhance the District’s landscape and natural resources,
its character and amenity, for the benefit of present and future landholders, residents
and visitors.
b) To support, co-operate and/or affiliate with other bodies or associations with
similar objects, for the more effective furtherance of
these and similar objects.
Present: Barbara Wills, Craig Roberts, Lesley Adamski, Paul Wilson, Jim and Susie
Balderstone, Jill Danks, Louise & Ross Briggs, Charmaine and Stephen
Simpson,Michelle Waddington, Ruth Richardson, Ian Tice, Margo Gardiner, Susan
Ross Sally Simpson, Jess Griffiths Jane Smith.
Acknowledgment to Country by visiting attendee Jane Smith gave an acknowledgement of
Apologies: Helen Waterhouse, Louise Hyman, Bruce and Gay Judd, Ian & Paula Paananen,
Instruator, Suzanna & John McLennon. Alan Robinson.
Determination of quorum and voting rights. All persons present (except for Jane
Smith and Jess Griffiths) were declared members.
Approve Minutes of the last General Meeting held on 27th February 2023
JB moved a motion to amend the minutes as follows:
Treasurer’s report: Financial Statements for 2022, and the overdue Financial
Statements for 2020 and 2021, were not presented. The Treasurer explained that the
Statements were not completed and showed a laptop screen with the 3 years
combined on a spreadsheet and the current Bendigo statements Hard-copies were
not handed out.The 2019 Honorary Auditor, John Evans, has retired and is no longer
available to audit our financials. VP Craig Roberts proposed that we approach ‘
Community Audit Service Inc’ who also audit the Macs Rural Fire Brigade
financials.The cost would be around $300 which may be donated back to the
Association.. Motion carried. Bank balances were reported to be $14,000 in the
cheque account and $25,000 in the TD. “Mostly” member funds. Seconded BW –
Noted that we do not want to disclose to the public our total holdings as per many
previous discussions. Fine to disclose to members. So this will be edited out.
Audited financial statement for YE 2023 were circulated .
Motion moved JB Seconded JD that the previous years still need to be
audited and we postpone accepting this report until the other ‘missing years’
are the same company Community Audit Services Inc – Carried
Also noted that the Bouddi wildlife fund money needs to be transferred from
our account to the BWF as they now have their own bank account. Their
recent deposited grant money of $10,000 has not been transferred yet and
this plus their balance outstanding needs to be completed this week after the
current Treasurer instigates a withdrawal at the Branch this coming week as it
is unable to be instigated ‘on line’ due to security measures in place by
Bendigo Bank.
Presidents report covering 2023 and part 2024.see attached separate report.
Motion moved BW to accept her report. S/ LA – Carried.
President Moved M to ask visiting attendee Jane Smith to conduct the
election of officers. S/LA – Carried.
It was declared by JB that he and other members were holding proxy votes for
several non attending members.
Jane Smith requests Proxy papers be submitted to her.
Jane Smith noted there is no reference to Proxy votes in the Association
constitution.. Joskes which the Association refers to, details how Proxys are to be
dealt with and since they are not mentioned in the Associations constitution, Jane
decides to err on the side of the constitution and not except Proxy votes.
No objections received to this ruling by Jane Smith and the election commenced
without Proxy votes.
President: Barbara Wills nominated by LA, seconded CR
JB queries whether Barb is okay to be president on the basis of lack of time for Barb,
Barb expressed needing more support ie: people fulfilling their assigned roles.
Vice President: Helen Waterhouse nominated by BW S/LA – Elected
2nd Vice President: Craig Roberts nominated by LA Seconded by RB. Elected
Secretary: no nomination. position declared vacant;
Assistant secretary: Lesley Adamski nominated by BW S/ SB Elected..
Treasurer: Louise Hymen nominated by LB and Seconded by RB. Elected.
Assistant Treasurer: Jim Balderstone nominated by RB S/ S Simpson. Elected.
Publicity officer/Hall Manager: Jill Danks nominated by SB seconded by SS LA
nominates Paula Paananen S/BW. Count of votes declares Jill Danks Elected.
Public officer Barbara Wills nominated by CR S/LA – Elected.
Patron – Robert Bell
BW moves that Robert Bell is re-appointed.Seconded LA – Carried.
Honorary Auditor Motion/JB S/JD Steve Simpson. Elected.
Jane Smith encourages the new executive to get various areas of the Association in
order. Clarification sought by Jane as to what Tier level is our Association? BW
replied Tier 2. Jane Smith suggested that audits are not necessary as per Dept of
Fair Trading and we should address this in our Constitution as it seems over
Meeting Closed 9:00pm