November 6, 2024 Tony Powell

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 18 November 2024

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Monday 18th Nov 2024 7.30-9.30 PM in the Progress Hall
Signing of attendance book
Acknowledgment of Country

1. Apologies

2. Draft Constitution – discussion and resolution of all items.
It is envisaged that the following Clauses may need discussion and amendment and a poll by show of hands. In order to expedite the proceedings, it is proposed that each speaker is limited to 2 minutes per Clause.
Motion: “To limit each speaker to 2 minutes per Clause”

After each Clause, a typical Motion will read: “Clause xxx in the draft Constitution is accepted” or “Amended Clause xxx is accepted” or “Clause xxxx is added”, etc

Feedback from Newsletter
Objects Clause i
Objects Clause ii
Objects Clause iii
Objects Clause iv
Objects Clause v
Objects Clause vi
Objects Clause vii
Members of Association Clause 2.1(a)
Members Application Clause 3(1)
Honorary Life Membership Clause 10
Composition of Committee Clause 15
Terms of Office Clause 17
Quorum Clause 33
Proxy voting Clause 36 (6)
Pecuniary Interest ref Clause 19 in existing Constitution

Other Clauses?

Date for next meeting:
Motion: “To Schedule an Extraordinary Meeting on Monday 9th December at 7.30 pm
to vote for approval of the new Constitution”