December 23, 2024 Tony Powell

Minutes General Meeting

9th December 2024 8.20pm

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MACMASTERS BEACH PROGRESS ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING – Monday 9th December 2024 8.20 PM in the Progress Hall
(following 7.30PM Extraordinary Meeting)

Meeting opened by Barbara Wills
Present: B Wills, H Waterhouse, L Hyman, J Danks, L Adamski, J Balderstone, T Powell,
S McLennan, A Dodd, R Richardson, S Ross, M Gardiner, K Gardiner, G Judd,
Instaurator, C Simpson, T Hyman, P Paananen, M Camp (non-voting)
M Williams (not financial)
(19 members plus one not financial)
Apologies: J McLennan, C Roberts, I Paananen, P Williams

1. Motion: “To accept the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 28th October 2024”
(taken as read) Proposed LH Seconded HW Carried
2. Business arising from the last General Meeting (not included in agenda below) N/A
3. Update on current membership numbers – Jim Balderstone reported that we now have 153 members who have donated $1700. This includes the following new members:
Deborah Knox, Vera Beccherini, Dermot Crowley, Martin Camp, Leanne and David
Barnett, Diana Fallon, Rhidian Harrington and Jay Wallace.
Motion: “To accept the applications by new members”.
Proposed JB Seconded JD Carried

4. Correspondence in and out since 28th October:
(excluding Feedback for Constitution EGM on 18th November)
8 November NSW Department of Planning (Minister Scully)
12 November Bob Neil resignation
12 November CC Council re Temporary Coastal Protection Works
(it is on our website)
5 December Tony Powell re Road Safety
5 December Tony Powell re Copa and Lake rezoning
9 December DFT with online forms
December card from Adam Crouch

5. Treasurer’s report – Louise Hyman reported on the income and expenditures since 28th October and the current account balance is $5154. This excludes the 2 Term Deposits.
Motion: “To approve the Treasurers Report “ Proposed LH Seconded JB Carried

6. Discussion about PA response to CCC re above Temporary Coastal Protection Works
Barbara stated that she did not think the PA should make a submission due to differing member views. There followed some discussion about these views.

7. Submission to CCC re Zoning change to Copa Foreshore and Lake – Barbara described the proposed changes and read out the PA submission. There was further discussion about the history of these changes.
Motion: “To ratify the 25th November submission” Proposed BW Seconded LH Carried
Motion: “ To form a working group to look at available usage on our foreshore after
the AGM” Carried

8. Other business: The letter from Tony Powell re Road Safety was discussed
Motion: “Tony to draft a PA letter to be sent to Council”
Proposed JB Seconded HW Carried
It was agreed that at the GM following the AGM in February, a working group will be created to address road safety.

9. Date for next meetings: Monday 24th February 2025 AGM to be followed by a GM

The meeting closed at 9.15PM