Extraordinary Meeting Minutes 18th November

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Meeting opened by Barbara Wills
Acknowledgment of Country by Barbara Wills

Present: B Wills, H Waterhouse, L Hyman, J Danks, L Adamski, J Balderstone, J McLennan,
S McLennan, K and M Gardiner, S and C Simpson, M Camp, A Dodd, T Powell,
I Paananen, G Judd, J Headland, B Arnott, P and J Newsom, T Wilson
(22 members including one without voting rights)
Apologies: C Kleppen, R and L Briggs, N and B Fogarty, K King, C and H Alexander, K Garratt,
P Paananen

1. Feedback to the proposed Constitution was acknowledged from:
K Garrat, R Richardson, C Kleppen, T Powell, M Camp, N and B Fogarty,
P Paananen, K King, C Simpson
2. The following Clauses in the proposed Constitution were reviewed and accepted without change:
Objects i, v and vii, 2(1)(a), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19(4),29(4)(d), 46
3. The following Clauses were accepted after changes:
Object ii “…..features of MacMasters Beach”
Object iii “ Support community care and connection”
Object iv “ Encourage awareness……”
Object vi “ To express and represent the views of its members to local and state
Governments and other authorities.”
3 In (1) remove Copacabana, Kincumber, Bensville, Avoca Beach, Killcare Heights
and Killcare. Allow for an existing member now residing outside
Macmasters Beach to continue to be a voting member provided
the annual fee is paid by the due date each year. Also allow for a person
living outside Macmasters Beach to join as a member without voting
15 Split (v) into 2 office-bearer positions which leaves 1 in (b). Add that the
Committee must have a minimum of 3 members.
17 Add “In the event there are no nominations for President or Vice President
Clause 17 (3) may be waived by Special Resolution.
18 (5) Tidy up wording
24 change (1) to a quorum of 3
32 change (i) to “waiving the requirement of yearly audit by an honorary auditor,
not exceeding three consecutive years, after which, if an honorary auditor
cannot be found, a paid auditor must be engaged for all of the missing years.

33 in (1) change quorum to 6 members
36 in (6) change to “A member may not cast a vote by proxy”
40 in (1)(c)) change to “ such other sources as determined by the committee
and passed by ordinary resolution of members in a general meeting”
Also Pecuniary Interest – add Clause 19 in existing Constitution
Also Joske’s Law – add Clause 16 in existing Constitution

4. There were no questions about other Clauses.
5. Noted – for Clause 3(2) (b) The application form needs to state that the applicant is a landholder or adult resident of Macmasters Beach or stated other locality.

6. Date for next meeting:
Motion: “To Schedule an Extraordinary Meeting on Monday 9th December at 7.30 pm
to vote for approval of the new Constitution”. Proposed JB Seconded PN Carried
Meeting closed at 10.10 PM