August 19, 2024 Tony Powell

General Meeting 24th June 2024


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GENERAL MEETING minutes. Held Monday 24 June, 2024 following

AGM opened by President Barbara Wills 9pm.

The objects of the Association shall be:

  1. a) To protect, preserve and enhance the District’s landscape and natural

resources, its character and amenity, for the benefit of present and future

landholders, residents and visitors.

  1. b) To support, co-operate and/or affiliate with other bodies or associations with

similar objects, for the more effective furtherance of

these and similar objects.

Present: Barbara Wills, Craig Roberts, Lesley Adamski, Paul Wilson, Jim and Susie

Balderstone, Jill Danks, Louisa & Ross Briggs, Charmaine and Stephen Simpson,

Michelle Waddington, Ruth Richardson, Ian Tice, Margo Gardiner, Susie Ross, Sally

Simpson, Jessica Griffiths.

Apologies: Helen Waterhouse, Louise Hyman, Graham and Gay Judd, Ian & Paula

Paananen, Instaurator, Suzanna & John McLennon., Alan Robinson.

Approve Minutes of the last General Meeting held on 25th February 2024, subject to the addition of the following: “The Annual General Meeting was postponed due to the audited books not being available. The AGM will be rescheduled once the audited books are available. There was a detailed discussion and concern about the fact that Audited Financial Statements have not been presented for Years 2020, 2021, 2022 and now 2023, and that this may put us in breach of Department of Fair Trading Rules” – Carried.

New Member Applications: George Farrant Namatjira Drive, MacMasters Beach

Motion to accept Carried.

Correspondence In / Out

CCC invite to SLSC for seawall design meeting.- see general business.

Outgoing to CCC re opening of Cockrone Lagoon – see general business.

Outgoing to CCC re Gerda Rd, traffic improvements.

Outgoing to CCC re pool maintenance. Reply from CCC job completed.

Treasurers report

No report presented. Only 3 noted expenses so far this year, Council Rent, AON

insurance, Community Audit Services. Reimbursements to President for Fair Trade

for previous years and newsletter printing for this year are still outstanding.


General Business:

>Discussion on needed changes to Progress Constitution

Voting rights, attendance via zoom, Proxy voting, to audit or not to audit in line with

Tier 2 organisations, and any other issue after examining the Department of Fair

Trade Model rules and the Associations existing Constitution.

>Update on sea revetment wall -Coastal Engineer engaged by Council, meeting on

14 June at Surf Club. A final design was chose by the community members present

and agreed by those at the meeting. We asked Council to hold an information

session for them to explain to the public why this design. Council replied by

indicating that a web posting was the usual form of informing people. It is also noted

by President post meeting, that there is no allocation in Council budget for the works

in the coming years only the design works.

> Vice President Craig explained the process and issues of mailing list/ membership

applications, names and income identified but not distinguished currently between

donations or membership payments and the deficiencies of the ‘new’web site. he

confirms that we have been aware of it for around 12 months. We had to change to

‘mail chimp’ for email delivery due to old delivery method being delivered to spam

mail boxes. Mail Chimp has also stopped weekly reporting of membership and we

now find it difficult to track the new membership applications within the Mail Chimp

dashboard.. Web site has now been amended to being able to enter more than one

name per household/ application, but we should engage a new website company

instead of a ‘friend assisting’. Talks with President Sue Steedman from Copa

Association recommends their web site host who is a local business.

Noted that when a new member joins that a message arises saying ‘thanks we’ll get

back to you ‘ but no one does.. It should be changed to say, thank you for joining,

we look forward to seeing you at our bi monthly meetings or events and you will be

receiving the newsletter when the next one is delivered by email. We anticipate that

ideally we should be able to include an auto receipt for their subscription and or

donation. Of course this will incur money, but we have the funds and at the core of

the Association is membership and communicating.

> BW asks if anyone has an update on 700 The Scenic Rd tree felling prosecution

as the Ass has not received anything further. JB has not received any

communication, but notes the felled trees have been removed from the site.

> Uppdate regarding the erosion to the south shore of the lake. Written to council

twice about the situation with severe erosion of the south bank sand dunes and

access way following the storm at the lagoon in April. Replies have been

unsatisfactory and unresponsive.


JB talks about having written an email to CCC with suggestions, with response from

CCC employee ‘Ben’ about work beginning shortly to shape the lagoon with a low

point at the middle of the berm which will be the escape point for the water.

Member talks on councils ownership over the land at Macmasters Beach known as

Tudibaring Park which runs from the middle headland in front of the beachfront

properties, north, and around the properties fronting the lagoon around to Newell

Street. The loss of dunes is now threatening number 3 Tudibaring.

Meeting adjourned 9:30pm with next general meeting schedule for 26th Aug. Also

agreed to hold an executive committee meeting Monday 1 July.


Updated 19th August 2024