November 14, 2023 Tony Powell

Submission to CCC Deferred Matters Lands

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C/- 47 MacMaster Pde
MacMasters Beach
NSW 2251
Central Coast Council
Chief Executive Officer
By email

14 November, 2023


After attending perusing Councils on line information on DM land, I am now making a submission on behalf of MacMasters Beach & District Progress Association.
The ‘like for like’ zonings have not been implemented in most of the properties in MacMasters Beach. With the dramatic increase in allowable uses to C2 C3 C4 land the maintenance of the environmentally sensitive land is substantially reduced and not recognised as the important land that it is. The proposed allowable uses are not in keeping with conservation values.
I have detailed as much as I can with the locations of our disputed proposed

700 The Scenic Road, MacMasters Beach.
Proposed COSS to the western triangle of the C4 is zoned a lowly C3 with a
C2 along the creek line. The balance of this triangle is steep undisturbed
treed land and the whole triangle should be C2, as it was 7(a).
The far eastern triangle of the property which was recently designated as
having no building right, and is heavily treed is C3 instead of C2 as it was
7(a). How can you say ‘like for like’.

20 James Norton Rd, Bensville.
Ground truthing does not seem to have been done and once again we have a vacant block of land designated as an
essential missing link COSS addition with National Park to the southern boundary and Council reserve to a part of the northern boundary it, has been assessed as having SEVEN separate zones between C2 and C3 and C4 with
some proposals being the reverse of what the actual undisturbed bush land is. There is no mention of the EEC land and no recognition of it on the eastern boundary.
This property as Council is aware this property has had pockets of vegetation decimated under Local Land Services control. However this should be still treated as an environmentally sensitive block as a whole with mostly undisturbed rainforest/EEC/threatened species/vegetation first proposed to be C3. If council were to follow the like for like it would be C4 at the western end as proposed and C2 for the balance. Not holes of vacant land being
zoned C3 where the vegetation has been disturbed as there are NO dwellings on this property. Great swathes of C3 are through the property of which should be C2, not C3, this is completely incorrect and should be corrected.

680 The Scenic Rd
Another ground truthing error seems to be 680 The Scenic Road . This was bought to Councils attention in our last submission, but no attention has been given. This property which is largely a wetland with 90% approximately native vegetation and Cockrone Creek running directly through it was zoned 7(a) and its proposed split zone with the
majority being C3 and a small area of wooded trees being C2 is not recognising the sensitive landscape. There is no C2 recognition along the creek, the wetland or the existing vegetation. The whole property needs to be C2 in line with its previous zoning and riparian nature. If council were to follow the like for like it would be C3 around the dwelling and C2 for the balance.

A key property Lot 71 DP806497 642-644 The Scenic Rd that adjoins COSS private open space, is a large lot that has been 7(a) and is now proposed to be majority C3 and bits of C2. This lot encompasses tributaries to that flow into Cockrone Creek that are lined with pristine rain forest that flow through a nature reserve and the State classified significant wetlands of national importance’ around Cockrone Lagoon. We note that contrary to current policy the lot has a dwelling that is located on the top of the hill.. and has a cleared area to the east proven and obvious by aerial mapping around it. The lot as whole serves as a wildlife corridor between,The Scenic Road and Cullens Road and needs to be retained as 7(a) C2 not majority C3.

Pt 2 DP10197 685 The Scenic Rd, formerly 7(c2) proposed C4. The last submission was E3, and now it is even less protected with C4 This property has 2 homes on it and a cleared area, the balance being untouched native vegetation including a creek with rainforest has been listed on their title with OEH for preservation and should be C2 or C3. Their rear boundary adjoins the last remaining proposed COSS land, which . The 2 neighbouring properties in Bounty Hill Rd, Lot 21 and 22 DP 771158, house numbers 35 & 37 both share the pristine rainforest creek with riparian vegetation and is a Council recognised Wildlife Corridor. There is no ‘like for like’ zoning on this property.

Beachview Esplanade 10,12,14,16, and 14-32 South Pacific Drive previously the highest conservation value now the lowest. How is this quantum leap achieved? Is this like for like? This is outrageous as this previously denuded sand mining pit has been rehabilitated by individual owners and naturally re vegetated in parts and is surrounded by Bouddi National Park on 3 sides. Given the sensitive location and vegetation should be given C2 status. They are not connected to sewer services and never likely to be, endangering the adjoining Bouddi National Park. The proposed C4 zone offers no buffer to the National Park.

On the western side of The Scenic Road between Dajani Drive and Bombi Road North this land was correctly zoned 7(a). This well treed area is in the catchment of Cockrone Lagoon and should be zoned C2 not E3. This area also includes many small blocks of land (approximately 30 lots) well under 1,000m2 and cannot even cope with their own effluent let alone the possibility of a dual occupancy being allowed on site and should be E2.

Grahame Drive 2-24 and 380 The Scenic Road, which adjoins Bouddi National Park on 2 or 3 sides, and are approx 12 small blocks of land was correctly zoned 7 (a) and under the new LEP is proposed to be C3 > Dual Occupancy allowed where there is no sewerage connection and the ability to pollute the land with too intensive coverage of dwellings and the removal of trees to provide dual occupancy. This is not ‘like for like’ and is not acceptable zoning for land adjoining Bouddi National Park. This land should remain at the highest conservation level of C2.

The north western side of The Scenic Road 361 385 and 399 and 411 are small blocks of land under 1,000m2 with no sewer or water and were zoned 7(a) and house numbers should not be zonesd C3. This area encompasses approximately 16 small lots and 6 large lots that have no sewer connected. C3 would allow further uses and development that would degrade the land. 387 -397 The Scenic Rd was 7(a) it is a larger lot mostly vegetated proposed mostly C3 and a smaller portion of C2. This land is in the catchment of Cockrone Lagoon and is largely native vegetation with some cleared areas on the larger lots with the overall coverage of these combined lots with vegetation of being around 95% this surely deserves the retain the highest level of conservation of C2 after being zoned 7(a).

The eastern side of The Scenic Road, 460, 440, 426, 434 was zoned 7a now proposed C3, should be C2 due to the vegetation and being bounded by Bouddi National Park.-

Bombi Road north and south 8,12, 14, 20, 24 was zoned 7(a) should be C2 not C3. apart from clearings around the existing houses, the land remains untouched and adjoins Bouddi National Park and should be automatically
retain the highest conservation zoning of C2.

Additional list of addresses not correctly zoned like for like
461 The Scenic Rd, 90% vegetated single house
176 Dajani Drive 99% vegetated single house
Cripps Close 6 5 7 9 proposed C4 no sewer and drains into Cockrone

Council has incorrectly zoned proposed COSS land which has been studied and documented should be all C2 not a mixture of the lesser C3 zone and in doing so is making the purchase of future land harder and possibly more expensive than it should be by not acknowledging the environmental values of the land.

The number of proposed changes to properties zoned 7(a) not to C2 is unwarranted as proven in above statements.
With the dramatic increase in allowable uses to C2 C3 C4 land the maintenance of the environmentally sensitive land is substantially reduced and not recognised as the important land that it is. The proposed allowable uses are at not in keeping with conservation values. The allowance of dual occupancies to C3 and C4 means a decrease in vegetation, not only the planned building but the need to comply with bushfire rules requiring more clearing, and the increase in runoff of drainage and septic contaminated water to the smaller than 1,000m2 lots in the catchment of Cockrone Lagoon is a serious detriment to the conservation of the environment and out of line with the previous zoning of 7(a) and Councils long term policies of retaining as much vegetation as possible to counter the
encroaching global warming effects.

Barbara Wills
By email
MacMasters Beach and District Progress Ass
14 November, 2022