November 27, 2023 Tony Powell

Progress Meeting Minutes – November 2023

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MacMasters Beach Progress Association Meeting 27/11/2023

Issues discussed at the 27 November Progress Meeting

New toilet block at the beach – Council has installed tank for roof water
collection after requested by Association.

Future book sale fundraising – No one has put their hand up to run the book
sale, so there will not be one this coming January long weekend. If someone
does we will advertise it accordingly.

Community Battery – They now have a new website. https:// Also noted another Community Association located
down at Wagstaffe/Killcare

Pre school booking of the hall Monday 4 December no charge.

Traffic Issues – replies from Council include the following issues: Excessive
vegetation on roadside, Lakeside Drive upgrade. speeding motorists within the
50km zone and results of temporary warning sign, Pedestrian access to beach
along Gerda Rd, including removing the encroaching non native trees
restricting access to the park and car parking with a request for more
appropriate species and reinstating the track leading to Banavie Reserve next
to the last house in Gerda road. Noted that this is a big long term project that
Council has not budgeted for. Duck crossing sign as per email received today
from a resident in the location of Lakeside Drive and Newell street. Noted that
this was specifically rejected by Council in our recent letter to them. Painting
the edge of steps yellow between Macs Parade and Marine parade.. ongoing.

Deferred Matters Zoning – submission to CCC 14 November, 2023 agreed to be
posted to web site for reading by anyone.

Unfortunately the Macs Friends Helping Neighbours is closing –  and they will
refund our recent contribution towards their insurance of $500. Jill also
informed the meeting that the balance of their account, some $1,400 has been
donated to the charity that helped install the units, and has been earmarked to
be used to upgrade our units of replacement batteries and pads in the future.

Beachfront sea wall update – Meeting with Council held in July and a further
meeting to be held with stakeholders in December regarding design options
and contstraints.

Lowering of speed limit between Macs and Kincumber – Discussion regarding
lowering the speed limit to 60kmh from Macs to Kincumber so cyclists and
pedestrians are safer when using The Scenic Road.straw pole via FB sites,
Also offered to do a sign on petition at Zacs coffee shop.

AGM will be 26 February, AGM at the Progress Hall 7:30pm