November 15, 2023 Tony Powell

CCC – Deferred Matters Land Zoning

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** submission date extended – now the 15th of November **
Submissions are now open for the proposed incorporation of the Deferred Lands into the Central Coast Local Environment Plan 2022 (CCLEP 2022).
The MacMasters Beach Progress Association are making a submission to the CCC and the executives will be meeting to ratify the letter before it is submitted to council on 8 November.
Below is an insight into what our submission will be, in agreeance with the CEN objectives as noted below.
Please note it is impossible for us to write a submission without being site specific (by address) as there is no other way of making our arguments.
or the excerpts below.

….The views expressed in this submission guide are those of the Community Environment Network (CEN), the Central Coast’s peak environmental organisation. CEN’s mission is to work for Ecologically Sustainable Development and against risks to ESD. We are a not-for-profit and a registered charitable gift recipient.

After undertaking a comprehensive analysis of the documents available on Council’s Your Voice Our Coast website, the CEN has concluded that it does not support the proposed incorporation of the Deferred Lands into the Central Coast Local Environment Plan 2022 (CCLEP 2022). We encourage you to use the following information to prepare you own submission.

….The current minimum lot size is not proposed to be changed but the objectives and permitted land uses in the C3 zone under CCLEP 2022 mean this planning proposal would effectively rezone nearly 3,000 ha of former7(a) Conservation land into C3 which is an expanded 7(c2) zone. It is misleading for Council to be aware that 3,000 ha of former 7(a) Conservation land is to be rezoned to an expanded 7(c2) zone and yet call this process ‘like for like’. 

….in relation to both the objectives of the zone and the permitted land uses with consent, the zoning of 7(a) deferred lands as C3 is not like for like.

….Under IDO 122, 7(a) land had only five uses.

….Under C3 in CCLEP this explodes to 34 land uses. Some of the expanded list of land uses may not be of concern. However, animal boarding or training establishments are included in C3, and the definition allows the operation of an animal breeding facility. This means an animal breeding facility could be allowed on some of the region’s most sensitive environmental land. CCC would be fully aware of the adverse impacts and loss of amenity already experienced by residents

….This planning proposal will result in the Central Coast region losing biodiversity.

….The C2 zone is not protecting the EEC, riparian corridor, the critically endangered ground orchid or the threatened ground orchid.

….The CCLEP relying on information layers within its online mapping system to identify areas within the deferred matters lands that qualify to be zoned C2 may fail to achieve the objective to protect, manage and restore areas of high ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic value. Nor is the zoning approach preventing development that could destroy, damage or otherwise have an adverse effect on our local biodiversity.

….This planning proposal will introduce land uses into Conservation Land Zones that are at odds with the conservation values and amenity of those lands.
…. The proposed new zonings do not deal with the Coastal Open Space System (COSS) lands well.
….CEN recommends the following:

Recommendation 1

All 7(a) Conservation land under IDO 122 be rezoned to E2 Environmental Conservation.

Recommendation 2

Only those parcels of land zoned 7(a) Conservation land under IDO 122 that have an existing residential dwelling be included within the Development Opportunity Map in accordance with Clause 7.21 of CCLEP 2022.

Recommendation 3

All 7(c2) Scenic Protection – Rural Small Holdings under IDO 122 be rezoned to E3 Environmental Management.

Recommendation 4

Council apply for a Gateway Approval to re-evaluate all the existing C2 boundaries across the former WSC to adjust for parallax error along with the inclusion of Aboriginal Cultural sites or zones, threatened species and the habitat of threatened species.

To make a submission to Council here is a link