May 3, 2023 Tony Powell

Free AED Training Days

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It is not essential to be trained to use a life-saving AED (automated external defibrillator), however the Macs Surf Club is providing one hour familiarization sessions free of charge if you would like to get your hands on one and see what they are all about.

We now have four AED machines in the MacMasters village.


Upcoming dates and times:

Tuesday, May 16th at 10am

Saturday, May 20th at 10am

Location: Macs Surf Club training room (next to the surf club café)


Turn up on the day or book a place by emailing:


You’ll find the AEDs at

  • The front of the surf club
  • The driveway leading to the Macs RFS station
  • The verandah of the Progress Hall
  • Outside LooLoo’s coffee shack